Schools receive PE and Sport Premium funding from the Department for Education, based on the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6.
The Academy is free to choose the best way to spend this funding to provide the best PE and sport activity opportunities for pupils at Packmoor Ormiston Academy.
Over the course of the year we will use the funding to meet our aims of providing a broad and balanced curriculum which will enable children to build on fundamental movement skills and become more active; developing lifelong participation in active and healthy lifestyles.
We will use the premium to focus on the following areas:
Physical Development:
- To enable children to develop and explore physical skills with increased control and coordination.
PE for All:
- Through a balance of activities, we aim to cater for the preferences, strengths and needs of every pupil.
- To develop children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination.
- Delivering the national curriculum proficiency requirement in swimming by the end of KS2
Healthy Lifestyles:
- To be physically active for sustained periods of time to improve fitness. the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
- To develop an awareness of how physical activity contributes to Health and Fitness.
- To develop an awareness of how physical activity effects the body.
Social and Intellectual Development:
- For children to learn how to play with others in a variety of situations.
- For children to develop understanding of a number of different games and rules of how to apply skills more widely.
- To increase the number of competitions available both inside and outside of school.
Staff Development:
- The profile of PE and sport remains a high focus across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
- Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
PE and Sports Funding Reports: