What is PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)?

PSHE at Packmoor Ormiston Academy includes Relationship Education, Relationship and Sex Education and Health Education. These elements are compulsory from September 2020 with the exception of Sex Education, which is optional, however, we will continue to deliver this at POA to offer a comprehensive curriculum. PSHE at POA aims to provide children with a spiral curriculum of both content and skills. It is designed in a way that topics are revisited throughout the key stages to ensure that children’s understanding and skills can be developed at an age appropriate stage that they are able to understand and relate to. This approach enables pupils to grow in confidence through the discussions, debates and exploration of the current issues that are addressed. We want children to develop skills in personal and social effectiveness, managing risks and decision making and becoming the very best role model to society that they can be. By the time children leave POA, our aim is to have equipped children with the skills and knowledge to keep them safe in the wider world. This will ensure that children are well informed and confident with making those next steps into adolescents and then later on into adulthood.

Subject Lead: Mrs H Lockett